Sports podiatry involves the expertise in diagnosis of foot problems as well as treatments such as joint mobilisation, massage and trigger point therapy, advanced orthotic therapy, exercise and footwear prescription for the elite, amateur and young athletes, as well as those who have sustained injuries in day to day life.

Here at Castle Hill Podiatry and Concord Foot Clinic we practice update to date approach to your concerns, detailed biomechanics assessment, treatment plan for short and longterm goal and more importantly sports specific to your needs. Our Podiatrist are not only actively involved in sporting activities but we work very closely from your everyday gym goers to elite athletes in different fields.
We use the latest gadgets to assess your gait or running gait and prescribe up to date custom orthotics for your needs. We have our own Custom Orthotic Lab at our Castle Hill Practice which means you get the latest and best materials available in the market all made by your Podiatrist. We are not controlled by an external orthotic lab and hence can produce an orthotic device with specific material for your needs. Our latest Orthotic Materials are semi flexible allowing the foot to pronate within a normal range of motion to promote natural shock absorption, without compromising on support and hence increased comfort and better outcome.
Common Conditions
Ankle Sprains
Stress Fractures